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The Royal Patience of
Knick-Knacks and Curiosities
by Shawn Hare
She's flat and black, with
a red pagoda.
She has Pepsi®
in her eyes.
He's large and gold,
holding tablets of stone,
Two elephants by his side.
Visions of glass, blue
ceramic, and brass,
Stone, wood, ink and shell
as well.
The soft, giant eye looks
out from on high,
'Fore pineapple on the
Silent Napoleon awaits the
Venus is trapped in a can.
Four alien pods stand
vigil beside,
Robot with human in hand.
They sit and wait; they
wait for the princess,
They wait for when she
comes 'round.
She tickles them all with
feather duster,
And then puts them all
back down.